Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sigh of Relief


I'm just going to quick say that I almost had a heart attack just now. Before uploading today's picture to my computer, I checked my phone to make sure I had the upload date right. And it read 1-24-10. I freaked out, thinking I forgot a day because I had just written my day 22 blog. Day 22 to uploading on the 24th messed my brain up, then I realized it was past midnight, and I had actually taken my day 23 picture on the 23rd. Sigh of relief.

Back to today. Basically I got up, worked 10 to 3, then went to Opitz with EF to look for a Sweethearts (sadie hawkins type dance at MHS) dress for her, and I tried some on too... Then home to relax and then I babysat my two favorite girls, L (blonde hair, blue eyes, 5 years old) and C (brown hair, brown eyes, 8 years old) from 6 to 1130. We had bath time for like an HOUR and then watched Flubber. Good times. I like it when they (FINALLY) fall asleep. :-) Here's the cutie L off in dreamland.

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