Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Egg Drop Domination


So... we rocked it. Completely. 3 meters? No big deal. 4 meters? No big deal. 5 meters? Scary, but no big deal. It was down to my group and another, and we figured out a way to reach 6 meters. And guess what? Both eggs survived. My class rocks. :-) So now we are trying to find a place INSIDE (its freezing out) where we can reach 7 and 8 meters. Wish us luck.

Here is our egg catcher before we put it back together after a drop. It tends to explode a little bit.. It's all in the genius of the design! Haha.

DH dropping from 6 meters!!!! Don't miss!

Our amazing group. Me, DH, and RS from left to right.

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