Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day Back


School started again today. It was a weird day. My first and third hour teachers either had a family member die or one dying, so that showed. And it was just weird. Just really really weird. I can't even explain it.

RS, DH, and I are a FANTASTIC group for our egg drop in Physics. We got to start building our egg catcher last week, because we were awesome and went to first hour on Wednesday. So we are a step ahead on the competition. ;-)

Here is our egg in RS's hand, and DH setting up our catcher for the 2 meter drop.

Here is the aftermath. Yes, it did tip over, but our egg was safe and sound!!!! Protected by our genius application of physics principles and laws. Gotta love it. Tomorrow we are on to 3, 4 and 5 meter drops. Results to follow.

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