Saturday, January 2, 2010

Brr... and colder temperatures still to come


It. Is. Cold.

Really cold. I should be used to this, I've survived 18 Minnesota winters. But no. I'm a freeze-baby and shall always be cold. Life is grand. :-)

Today was cold. -11 degrees right now, not including wind chills. Lovely. Besides the frigid air, LG and I braved the sub-zero temperatures and went to AVATAR!!!! I FINALLY saw it. Only took 4 tries. :-) It was so amazing. I wanna see it in IMAX even more badly now. It's incredible. Words cannot describe.

Avatar was AFTER the insane house cleaning I did this morning. I cleaned my room and got everything off the floor (which is why everything was on my bed...) so that Mom could vacuum when I got home. Yes, I offered to do it myself but she shooed me away. Vacuuming ensued when I arrived home and I've been sitting here ever since, minus a short trip to PH's where we sat with his mom and sis and watched The Proposal for like 45 minutes (I told you it was short).

I promise my site will become much more awesome. Eventually. I have no Photoshop and my computer sucks, so I'm working on it. (Hopeful) greatness awaits.

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