What a long day Friday was. Physics final (not as easy as I hoped) then Psyc final (as deadly as I assumed. We got there and sat down and someone asked if the automatic 50% policy applied to finals. That's the rule that the lowest grade you can get on a test is 50% so that when you fail, it doesn't completely ruin your grade). Then Chipotle with friends, which was mellow and nice, then DH and PH took PH's car through the car wash where DH works and I went along for the ride. Then Ski Club! It was a good night. Until some middle schooler took my ski bag instead of theirs. I was very very NOT happy. But I'm better now, as long as I get all my stuff back. Crappy picture, I know. I was in bed at 11:53 and realized I had no picture. It's a great book: READ IT BEFORE YOU SEE THE MOVIE. Movies can never do a book justice. EVER.
EVER? i think this one will be able to compete.. the notebook book vs movie competed and i think the movie caught up pretty close