Monday, January 18, 2010

Road Trip in a TINY Car


After getting home at like 1130, I woke up at 630 to be out of the house by 745 to drive up to Spirit Mountain. PH's mom dropped him at my house and off we were, with Dani Kate and Mom, to Spirit. Lets just say that two teenagers do NOT fit well in one half of the backseat of my little two door car. Mom and Dani Kate got front, and he rear passenger seat had to be folded down for skis. So... PH and I were stuck in 1.5 seats in the back. It was a long trip.

Here is a VERY lovely picture of (L to R) CV, JK, and myself on our way from the hill to go eat dinner at the church we were staying at. Gotta love hat hair. CV likes to make funny faces and be weird in general.

This is the sunset we saw from the church we were staying at. Pretty, no?

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