Monday, January 25, 2010

All Girls Football Party... Oxymoron?


NO. It is not an oxymoron. Worked 12 to 5 after church, then went over to KL's to watch the game with all the girls, the boys were having a "bro sesh" and there were no girls allowed. We got SUPER into the game. Most did anyway. LR and MC were super intense and were close to tears at the end. We then switched houses because the boys said they wanted to hang out, so we get to house #2 and the boys decide to continue bro sesh. What were we to do? Crash. Duh. So we hunted them down with the help of HR and got to watch/play boot hockey with them. It was a great night.


No, I didn't take this. But it's cute so I thought I would share. Courtesy of MC. :-)
(L to R) KG, RS, KS, KL, PH sneaked in the back, then MC, GS, and moi.

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