Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcoming Organization Back


I'm weird, I've accepted it. A few years ago I had this purple notebook that I would write all my lists and plans and stuff in. If I was stressing at night about the hectic day to come, I would just write down all the things I had to do so that I could fall asleep. That old purple notebook got filled up, so i started a new one in an old notebook of my sister's. It's not completely purple, but the name stuck. I lost it after sweetheart's last year (mom... you cleaned up and I lost track of it after that. There is such a thing as organized chaos: my room.), and i found it yesterday! I brought it back, and now have many new lists going. It has made today much easier already. Haha.

OH! Just to let you all know, I caught up a lot today on stuff. So the world is good again. AND it was 60 degrees today. I love life.

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