Sunday, March 28, 2010



You should ALL be VERY jealous. KD and I got to Stage Management (SM) class on thursday (march 18th) and the first thing MK said to us was "I have to show you the most amazing thing ever in the shop." We knew it HAD to be good. It was.

IT WAS STYROFOAM. We hate styrofoam though. Carving it for set pieces is NOT FUN. BUT BUT BUT! This styrofoam was like... 10 feet tall and in 5x5x10 foot columns. There were about 10 of them. What were we to do?

MAKE A MAZE. It took KD and I 2 minutes and then we ran through it like 5 times. Then made MK go through it. He came out giggling. Our goal was achieved. Then we went and got DB and TB (the Arts Center event coordinator) to go through it. They both loved it. After all this excitement, we were finally able to sit down for class.

(Above is KD in the maze wondering which way to go!!)

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