Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday Extravaganza


Saturday was BUSY. Holy cow. Here it goes: Rehearsal on the main stage with the set from 9 to 10, then rehearsal with the pit in the band room from 10 to 11:45. Then girls makeup training sessions from 11:45 to 12:15, and men's makeup training from 12:15 to 12:45. Then home for 10 minutes, back to the high school (I forgot my wallet) then off to the spa from 2 to 3:30. Home for relaxation and recuperation. MC, KL, and I played listened to music and talked then MC and I played Wii and then we were off to OC at 7:30(second night in a row!) for AG's 18th birthday party! Then a bunch of kids came over after to hang out and watch TV/talk. It was really mellow.

Above is AW, KG hiding under a blanket (she was feeling anti-social. She gets that way after too much social contact), and MC not paying attention in the background.


Beautiful LJ and KH. LJ's makeup was WAY too dark and orange. It was the exact color of KH's hair. SO FUNNY. Those poor boys. They just needed to practice putting it on, even if if was the wrong color. Very entertaining for me though!

JJS and LJ with their beautiful makeup on... JJS looked super pale and sickly, LJ looked like a carrot and is modeling his makeup line. Fantastic.

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