Sunday, February 7, 2010



Saturday was a pretty good day. Work was fun, LM and I got to hang out which is always fun. Then Caribou with JK and MB, who was home from Gustavus. Then I went to Avatar 3D with JH and MC. I love that movie. IMAX was STILL sold out (I was bummed!), so I'm thinking I'll have to go back to see IMAX next weekend. I got home at like 11 and went straight to bed. Then realized that I had no picture. Hence... another phone picture. Here is my board of flowers! Mostly from shows and dances. :-)

SB: There is the photo strip (on the upper right corner of the board) from our sweethearts dress shopping day at MOA last year. PROOF that we did a photo booth. Gotta love reminiscing in Bible Lit.

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