Saturday, February 13, 2010



It was class color day on Friday! Freshman in brown, sophomores in yellow, juniors in red, SENIORS IN PINK! Such a good day. It was a half day to begin with, and we had a pep fest and man pageant. So. I had 3 classes 30 min each between 8 and 9:42. Then went to the man pageant (basically a bunch of ridiculous senior boys who compete to become Mr. Minnetonka. Including talent, fashion, and questions. SO FUNNY.) and pep fest followed the pageant. We were out of school by noon. It was a wonderful day. After that I had lunch, took a much needed 1.5 hour nap, went sledding, then went to the swim meet!! They lost, but did a great job. :-)
Above is AG in AD and BD's arms. Everyone was head to toe in pink.

Bonus Pictures!

SF, PM creeping, KS, myself, MC, and JK at the bottom all waiting for the Man Pageant to begin in the theatre.

Here is all of us after the swim meet! A bunch of them painted their stomachs to spell "LETS GO TONKA." I don't think a swim meet has seen that much school spirit in a LONG time. It was insane. We were very loud. Adney, our principal, gave us the nod of approval.

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